2012-02-13 9:12 AM
Hi. Anyone has a complete example of use of the i2c protocol (in master and slave mode) for the STM32F4 using the std periph library? the examples included in the library are very confusing, I want an example for generic i2c communication, not application specific code like the EEPROM example.
#i2c-example2012-02-14 11:22 PM
I would suggest you to have a look at: https://github.com/yigiter/Sample-STM32F4-codes The example/library doesn't cover slave mode, but the functions for master mode communication are genereic and therefore verry helpful to understand i2c setup and communication. Best regards2012-02-19 2:22 AM
Thanks, but I already knew that site. Like you said, it doesn't cover slave mode, and besides it doesn't use the std peripheral library for communications, only for the init setup, the rest is done writing/reading registers. I'd like to have a simple working example using only the library (write/read and check events functions).
2012-12-20 8:43 AM
Hi ,
Im wondering if I can use the same STMF4 board as a slave and master in I2C communication in the same time and send for example from PINB8 and 9 to PINB10 and 11??