2017-06-09 4:31 AM
The USB OTG HS core embeds an I2C interface allowing to connect an external FS PHY.
The I2CPADEN is used to enable or disable the I2C bus connection for this interface.On which pins?
Can you please give an example of such FS PHY and its connection to the 'F407?
[Split from
]null2017-06-16 6:43 AM
,I have checked internally and the OTG HS interface does not support an I2C interface allowing to connect an external full-speed PHY.
This information will be removed from the reference manual.The OTG HS interface supports:
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
2017-06-16 9:13 AM
Hi Khouloud
Thanks for the info.
2017-07-25 4:36 AM
This has NOT been updated in RM0090 Rev.15; both Chapter 35.3.2 and I2CPADEN description are still there.
2017-07-26 9:36 AM
Hi Jan,
Regarding this point, this is not only related to RM0090. This is the reason, it will take a little bit longer.
Thanks for your understanding.Khouloud.
2017-07-26 9:46 AM
OK thanks for the clarification.
2017-10-06 3:03 AM
I was able to get the I2C on OTG_FS working, so at least this funcionality *is* implemented. The rest, required to properly connect a FS_PHY (such as ISP1302 or STOTG04ES) may not be implemented, and is of no interest given the internal PHY; but the I2C itself provides an interesting addition to the existing peripherals, even if its a single-register-read-write, single-speed master-only design.
It would be nice if ST would document its functionality. These are transistors we are paying for.