2023-10-13 7:30 AM
Hi, I am trying to simply output information from an I2C device (DS1307 real time clock) to an SPI screen (ST7789) I have tested the code & libraries for the separate devices and they work but as soon as I try adding any SPI commands to the main.c the output just crashes (simple UART message) as below:-
/* To test leap year correction. */
DS1307_SetTimeZone(+8, 00);
const char *DAYS_OF_WEEK[7] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "DS1307 innit", sizeof"DS1307 innit", 1000);
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "ST7789 innit", sizeof"ST7789 innit", 1000);
As soon as i add the 'ST7789_Init();' command everything seizes to work and all I get on the UART monitor is "DS1307 innit" not the "ST7789 innit". I have tried all the different SPI & I2C settings disabling and enabling interrupts and no luck. Is there an SPI setting which can conflict with I2C?
2023-10-13 7:58 AM
Hello @Linkpad,
I think there isn't an SPI setting which can conflict with I2C.
You need to debug you code to catch the issue source.
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2023-10-13 8:45 AM
Any chance the SPI uses the same pins as USART2 ?
2023-10-13 9:25 AM
As @raptorhal2 mentioned, the likelihood is a pin definition clash.
According to Datasheet DS9866 Page 39:
PA14 can be either alternate function I2C1_SDA or USART2_TX as well as PA15 being I2C1_SCL, SPI1_NSS and USART2_RX.
PB3 and PB4 also has a similar clash between SPI1 and USART2.
What are your pin definitions?
2023-10-16 4:18 AM
Hi @Linkpad ,
Could you please share your .ioc file ?
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2023-10-23 2:05 AM
Hi Foued,
Not too worry the only way I have managed to get the I2C to work currently is by using both SPI & I2C in DMA mode I am guessing there needs to be either interrupts, DMA or RTOS when there are several devices talking to each other simultaneously such as I2C & SPI? I think the trouble is most of the examples I have seen just seem to show either SPI TFT screen code or I2C code and not a combination...