2018-08-06 03:14 AM
When I looked forthe file I found it at "en.stm32cubel4\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.12.0\Middlewares\Third_Party\FreeRTOS\Source\include" . So since the file is existing why Atolic is throwing an error.I used Atollic True Studio version 9.1. Is there specific compiler options to be provided to solve this?
2018-08-06 05:52 AM
Atollic != SW4STM32
Make sure the project has all required "Include Paths" enumerated within the settings, so the compiler can find where you have put things.
2018-12-02 09:18 AM
"Atollic != SW4STM32"
They are surely not equal, but what is the difference in respect to Include paths requirements? Don't both of them require the same?
2018-12-02 10:04 AM
And if you have the settings wrong, it won't find the file(s). The error is indicative you need to address something. Most likely the paths, but perhaps the invocation, and paths specified there.
Keil use a path relative to the project file, not the root of the project. For the OP's issue you'd have to push up into a third party directory, and things like eclipse workspaces are notorious for having issues with relative vs absolute paths.