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i need to store data in EEPROM emulator stm32l432kc controller by using its internal flash memory



i need to make EEPROM emulator for data storage here i am using stm32l432kc controller. and i am using last 4 pages of internal flash memory to emulate EEPROM. start address of page 124 is 0x0803E000 end address of page 127 is 0x0803FFFF. each page size is 2KB and data should be updated every minute (data=ADC voltage value with timestamp) and this data should be retain or keep minimum 4 hours in storage. kind you help me inputs to write code. and how to write code.


@vpn wrote:

i am using stm32l432kc .

So you should be able to use X-CUBE-EEPROM ? 

Or you could just use the Flash directly and efficiently..

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