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I'm using an stm32f429 2mb dual bank mcu and erasing a sector in flash bank2 from code running in bank1. This works ok, but interrupts in bank1 seem to stop while the erase is happening.

Associate II

I'd have thought with read-while-write active, that interrupts should continue to run in bank1. For the stm32l devices, the documentation clearly states this will work. Can it also work for the stm32f429? Am I missing some configuration? Or will interrupts in one bank not work when code in that bank is flashing the other bank? Thanks for any help.


> interrupts should continue to run in bank1

Which interrupts? Flash programming complete interrupts?

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Associate II

The flash sector erase complete interrupts are working fine.

I expected all code and interrupts running in bank1 flash would continue to run ok while bank2 flash was being erased or programmed. Specifically, I have CAN interrupts on both CAN channels, one of which is bringing down the data I'd be flashing.

But when bank2 flash is being erased, all CAN communication stops, which I didn't expect. I'll look closer today at what other interrupts may or may not be running while bank2 flash is being modified, but I can't find any documentation on this, so I'd be grateful for any clarification.

Associate II

The flash sector erase complete interrupts are working fine.

I expected all code and interrupts running in bank1 flash would continue to run ok while bank2 flash was being erased or programmed. Specifically, I have CAN interrupts on both CAN channels, one of which is bringing down the data I'd be flashing.

But when bank2 flash is being erased, all CAN communication stops, which I didn't expect. I'll look closer today at what other interrupts may or may not be running while bank2 flash is being modified, but I can't find any documentation on this, so I'd be grateful for any clarification.


As long as your code is solely in the bank that isn't being erased, it should not block. This is what the RM says.

I don't believe a flash erase will stop unrelated interrupts from happening.

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Associate II

Thanks. Your comment is what I'd expect, but this is my first time flashing an stm32 with dual bank and I can't make too many assumptions. I'll now look elsewhere for my missing CAN interrupts. Thanks again.