2021-08-17 12:28 AM
2021-08-17 4:30 AM
Hello @MRaza.2,
Welcome to STM32 community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
To get familiar with STM32F429ZI, I suggest you to refer to the user manual UM1670 and RM0090.
For programming and creating projects, I recommend you to refer to the examples provided within STM32F4 cube package.
If my answer helped you, please mark it as "Best Answer" by clicking on the "Select as Best" button, this can be very helpful for Community users to find this solution more quickly.
2021-08-17 1:05 AM
This guy does very nice videotutorials and normally uses a STM32f407VGTx (the green board) in his videos.
The boards are from the same familly so those videos should work for you
The way i learn new boards is a mix between watching youtube videos, swimming trough forums like thisone and reading user manuals/ stm papers.
STM32 examples included with the firmware package are useless for me 90% of the time because they are not created using cubeMx but they are nice lecture and good to rule out hardware issues.
2021-08-17 4:30 AM
Hello @MRaza.2,
Welcome to STM32 community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
To get familiar with STM32F429ZI, I suggest you to refer to the user manual UM1670 and RM0090.
For programming and creating projects, I recommend you to refer to the examples provided within STM32F4 cube package.
If my answer helped you, please mark it as "Best Answer" by clicking on the "Select as Best" button, this can be very helpful for Community users to find this solution more quickly.