2019-09-29 1:48 PM
i'm using STM32F40G DISVOVERY board. when i measue D1 i see 2.5 volt. Also when i measure 5V pin, i see 2.5 volt. What should i do? Can replacing D1 by D2 solve the problem?
2019-09-29 3:34 PM
You should fix the short and ensure the power scheme is working correctly first. Likely the chip is fine but something upstream may have failed.
The discovery boards shouldn’t have power issues. Is yours modified or do you know why it may have failed?
2019-09-30 1:20 AM
Yes, its my fault. I connected 5v to GND unknowingly.
How can i ensure the power scheme is working. I am a newbie. Can you send me a link, please?