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I am using STM32F417IEH6 on a custom-board with Azure_RTOS. The Azure_RTOS/ThreadX is working OK. I have several threads running.

Associate II

 My board is supposed to act like a PM-bus server on top of a ATX-PSU and I need to 'time' the sequence, that powers up the PSU. I have tried to use 'tx_thread_sleep()' and even changed tx_user.h : #define TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND        --> 1000 and tx_initialize_low_level.s : SYSTICK_CYCLES  --> SYSTICK_CYCLES   =  ((SYSTEM_CLOCK / 1000) -1 to achieve 1 mS. But this is still not accurate enough.

How can I get better control ??

I need to : turn ON 12V --> wait some time --> turn ON 5V --> wait some time --> turn ON 3V3.

Are there any free running counters, that I can read/poll ??

Or ??
