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I am having issues in reading the part of CCS811 from STM32L072xx. It is coming 0x80 instead of 0x81, how do I resolve it?

Associate II

We are currently working on the interfacing of sensor CCS811 with STM32L072, and we are having trouble reading the Part ID of it. On reading register 0x20 the part id we are getting on serial monitor is 0x80 (While it should be 0x81). While checking the wave-forms on CRO and comparing the same as mentioned in Page 9 of the of the AN000369_2-00 i.e. we are getting address as 0x81 but there is a gap between the 8th and 9th clock pulse on the SCL, which is not there in the mentioned waveforms in the Application Note and we are missing the NAK signal too.