2020-06-10 9:54 PM
2020-06-11 1:42 PM
STM32CubeMx can generate a project for any STM32 MCU. The question is rather how to compile and debug.
If you want to use CubeMX to generate a project you need to use an IDE to compile and debug, like CubeIDE or TrueSTUDIO.
These IDE only support STLINK or J-LINK as in-circuit debugger.
I would therefore choose a development board incorporating this type of probe (unless you already have a probe of the right type). I recommend using ST-LINK V2-1 instead of V2, the VPC is very useful.
What is a "ST-LINK (from 2011) with a Waveshare socket" ?
2020-06-25 9:18 PM
Dear Nikita91,
first thank you for your help, and sorry for spending time contacting you.
For your answer, i understand CubeMX generate a file that i can use after with other software to "load" and "real debug". This is, i will be able use CubeMX to make my program and virtual debug, and after use Hitop (from Hitex) software of Stm32-comStick to "load" in this hardware. It is right?
My wish for work with STM32 MCU come since ten years. I bought the first ST-LINK hardware programmer, at 2011. To plug to MCU found a socket, which also allow take out the pin out of MCU to project board. This socket, i found in Waveshare, for my MCU i bought the STM32 QFP100.
The idea was use to program my MCUs and next weld it in my real design. Now you can buy stencil and board, with your design for reasonable money. I have tried with a chip package LCSP (very dificult) and made it to the first.
My doubt now is if my old ST-LINK will work with CubeIDE.
2020-06-26 6:42 AM
It seems to me that you have not taken the right path with modern MCUs.
Programming the MCU on a socket and then soldering it on the final card looks like what was done with UV-EEPROM a long time ago.
Today MCUs like STM32 can be programmed in situ. On your final card you must provide a connector with 4 pins: SWC, SWD, reset, GND (+ possibly 3.3V). With a more elaborate design you can add a UART TX/RX and the SWO.
With this and a probe you can program the MCU and debug the software directly on your card.
It's really an added value of these MCUs.
You have the question of the probe. There are several choices:
- The 2 euros Chinese clones. Not reliable and only supports STLINK 2.0.
- A SEGGER probe, price varied according to your condition: student, non profit, commercial... This is the most famous probe.
- Buy a ST NUCLEO card which has an integrated STLINK-2.1 probe (with virtual serial port for the console), which can also be used to program other cards (2 jumpers to be removed). Choose a NUCLEO card with the detachable probe part (pre-cut PCB).
These probes are managed directly by CubeIDE to program and debug. No need for the outdated Hitex software.
To get started today with a STM32 I recommend acquiring a ST NUCLEO card corresponding to the type of MCU you are targeting: there are more than 50 models. For 25 to 40 € you have a complete development board and the programming probe, all in working order guaranteed with CubeIDE. You also have the schematics that will serve as a reference to design your card.
In addition the F1xx series is very old, too bad to start today on these models.
This is my 2 cents. Have a nice day.