2016-11-27 06:20 PM
Recently, I read reference manual about stm32f4 rcc,
but I have no idea about what is HSE clock bypass, I only know that there is a bit in RCC->CR for HSE BYPASS.I study the driver function RCC_HSEConfig()there are three parameter RCC_HSE_OFF, RCC_HSE_ON, RCC_HSE_BypassBut I still don't know why there is Bypass option?Can anyone introduce bypass more detail? thanks =) #rcc #bypass #stm322016-11-28 12:00 AM
When You use cristal generator or any other source of clock, not cristal oscilator. then this option will off XTAL loop output.
2016-11-28 08:33 AM
For situations where you have an external clock source (TCXO, Ethernet PHY, ST-LINK 8MHz MCO, etc), and you want to disable the inverter/output on the STM
2016-11-28 11:10 AM
Apparently you don't HAVE to set that to use an external clock input on the OSC IN pin either.
It DOES free up the OSC *OUT* pin for other uses though.
2016-11-29 01:59 AM
Hi ctc.ctc,
As mentionned in application notehttp://uglyduck.ath.cx/PDF/STMicro/ARM/STM32F4/STM32F4xx_Hardware_Dev.pdf
''Getting started with STM32F4xxxx MCU hardware development'': 4.1.1 External source (HSE bypass) In this mode, an external clock source must be provided. It can have a frequency from 1 to 50 MHz (refer to STM32F4xxxx datasheets for actual max value). The external clock signal (square, sine or triangle) with a duty cycle of about 50%, has to drive the OSC_IN pin while the OSC_OUT pin must be left in the high impedance state.-Hannibal-2016-11-29 06:30 AM
Interesting link you have there Hannibal. ''uglyduck.ath.cx........''
Blocked here at work. And AN4488 Rev 5 doesn't seem to even have a paragraph 4.1.1
But nevertheless, anyone winding up here by an HSE bypass search and reading these - beware. Check YOUR part manuals that are for YOUR part specifically. STM is inconsistent between part relatives about what can go on with the OSC OUT pin in the BYPASS mode. This is for the L4 for instance.