2017-10-18 12:16 AM
Hi all:
I had cut the F103 part from my F413ZH-Nucleo.
The attatchment are photos of it.
I could use it to flash program into any F413ZH. I have 3 pieces.
But I couldn't do the same thing at L476RG-Nucleo.
I followed the wiring as a reference.
If anyone could tell me what I missed.
Thank you all in advance.
2017-10-18 2:18 AM
Go with the 4 wires from the debugger part SWD connector CN4 to the debuggee ST-LINK connector CN2 and connect straight. Debugger must have the jumpers on debugger CN4 removed. If you have the Stlink part removed on the debuggee, carefully check the manuals and connect to the SWD/SWCK accordingly.
2017-10-19 4:59 AM
Thank you for your reply.
Label CN4, CN2 is for L476RG?
I am sorry, couldn't understand it exactly.
If it's fine, could you show me a picture?
Thank you very much.^^
2017-10-19 5:54 AM
CN$ and CN2 are the numbers on Nucleo64 boards. Look at the picture:
2017-10-20 3:23 AM
Thank you very much.
I'll try it later.