2018-01-03 6:01 PM
Hi, I have a ST_Link Programmer that was cut off from STM32F411RE Nucleo 64 Board (zero ohms resistors SB12, 13, 14, and 15 have been also removed). I have been use it to program a stand alone STM32F411RE chip with no problem.
Currently I am doing a project that is using STM32F303RE Nucleo 64 Board and I have a custom made PCB with STM32F303RE chip on it. I tried to use the same ST_Link Programmer to program the chip by connect the 6 pins from the programmer to the chips, but it does not work. The pins are connected the same as how I connect my programmer to the nucleo board.
When I connect the programmer to STM32F411RE chip:Programmer
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -STM32F411RE MCU Chip
Left Pin from JP1 (next to USB Power)- - - - - - - - -VDDA (Pin 13)SWCLK (CN4-2)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PA14 (Pin 49)GND (CN4-3)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VSSA (Pin 12)SWDIO (CN4-4)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PA13 (Pin 46)NRST (CN4-5)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -NRST (Pin 7)SWO (CN4-6)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -PB3 (Pin 55) With the connection above, I can program my STM32F411RE chip with external ST-Link programmer that I cut off before. Everything works fine.And then I connected the same programmer to my STM32F303RE Chip with exactly the same connections.This time, when I connect the program to my computer, same storage disk (NODE_F303RE (D:)) has jumped out, however, in stead of usual two files ( DETAILS.TXT and MBED.HTM), there is one additional file called FAIL.TXT, and when I opened it out, it shows: The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU.I am not sure how to fixed this, if anyone can help, that would be appreciated.PS. I have also tried to connect the external programmer to a STM32F303RE Nucleo board with same connection as above, and I was able to program the board. Datasheets show that both STM32F411RE and STM32F303RE are similar and has almost the same pins. One possible reason that I can think of is that the STM32F303RE chip that I bought is faulty.
Thank you
2018-01-04 12:23 AM
I have successfully done this before, but I have had to update the old nucleo board's firmware.
2018-01-04 6:55 PM
Hi T J, Thanks for reply. How can I update the firmware? Thank you.
2018-01-04 7:09 PM
I can see you may have blown up the daughter board or your target processor(oops)
Yes, I too have cut off these boards and used them, it works well.
How did you connect power to your board ?
You can spike the 3V line if you are not careful on the test bench.
You should try another nucleo board, try another target board..
2018-01-04 7:14 PM
Use the ST-LINK Utilities or firmware update tool?
2018-01-04 7:53 PM
I have just updated the firmware to the latest, however, the problem is still there. Could you please show me how you did before? Appreciated!
2018-01-04 8:15 PM
The programmer board that I cut off is working properly, I use USB cable to power the programmer board. I have two chips on the customer made PCB with me at the moment, one is the STM32F411RE, and the other one is STM32F303RE. The STM32F411RE is still programmable with the programmer board, but STM32F303RE is not working with the same programmer board. How did you connect the STM32F303RE to the programmer board? I did the exactly same as the STM32F411RE. If the connection is right, the only thing that I can think of is the STM32F303RE is faulty. Thank you.
2018-01-04 8:30 PM
I checked my board's schematic, your connections are good
I use the 64 pin too,I have used a 303 and an 091 in this board, without issue.
do you have another target board ?
maybe you should check the processor under the microscope and reflow the pins. make sure you use flux, or don't attempt it.
otherwise pull it off, clean up and replace it.
what did you do with pin 28 PB2/ Boot1 ?
this may be giving you trouble too...
2018-01-04 9:00 PM
I didn't connect anything to Pin28/Boot1, do I need to connect anything to it??
I check the processor and the custom made PCB board, and use the DMM to check the connection, everything is connected properly.
Thank you.
2018-01-04 11:56 PM
as long as you have Boot0 grounded, the processor will ignore the Boot1 pin.