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How to unlock RDP level 1 on a STM32U0k8

Associate II


I am working on a project using an STM32U031K8U6.I have been experimenting with various low power modes and somehow, It appears that I have accidentally set RDP level 1 protection.

I have been using STM32CubeIDE to create and build code and then I used Seggers J-Flash and a J-Link debugger to actually program the device. I was able to successfully program my MCU multiple times with this setup. The last time that I attempted to flash a new program I received the following error message:



 Auto programming target (9124 bytes, 1 range) ...
- Connecting ...
- Connecting via USB to probe/ programmer device 0
- Probe/ Programmer firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Mar 14 2024 13:16:08
- Probe/ Programmer S/N: 601009238
- Device "STM32U031K8" selected.
- Target interface speed: 4000 kHz (Fixed)
- VTarget = 2.941V
- InitTarget() start
- RDP Level 1 protection is set. Reading flash memory is restricted.
- RDP Level 1 password is set.
- To unlock device please use Device Provisioner utility for STM32U0 option-bytes programming:
- InitTarget() end - Took 48.5ms
- Found SW-DP with ID 0x6BA02477
- Failed to power up DAP
- InitTarget() start
- RDP Level 1 protection is set. Reading flash memory is restricted.
- RDP Level 1 password is set.
- To unlock device please use Device Provisioner utility for STM32U0 option-bytes programming:
- InitTarget() end - Took 46.1ms
- Found SW-DP with ID 0x6BA02477
- Failed to power up DAP
- ERROR: Failed to connect.
Could not establish a connection to target.
- ERROR: Connect failed
- ERROR: Could not auto program target, not connected



I attempted to use Seggers "Device Provisioner utility" without success. Is there some way to unlock this processor using the facilities in STM32CubeIDE or some other ST provided utility?


ST Employee

Hello @JFP ,

Could you please try with latest release of CubeProgrammer v2.16

Then, please keep me informed about your update.

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
ST Employee

Hi @JFP ,

I confirm that the regression from RDP 1 to 0 can't be done using STM32CubeProgrammer v2.16.

Our team are working to resolve this issue and will include a patch in the next version of CubeProgrammer to fix this.

Sorry, for the inconvenience it may cause and thank you for your understanding

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate II

Thanks for testing this. How soon do you expect to publish the next version of STM32CubeProgrammer?