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How to sure LSI of stm32f103 started?

Associate II

My product has a 5% chance of that LSI didn't start when system Power up. So IWDG not functional due to LSI missed.

Here is my code to start LSI


LSI_CNT = 0;


while( RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY) == RESET )



if( LSI_CNT > 100) break;



Is there any software solution (code segment ) for suring LSI start perfectly at system power up?


100 iterations a 8 MHz+ is probably not enough to quantify if the 40 KHz signal started properly.

If the LSI really doesn't start in STM32 parts you'd need to discuss that with an FAE associated with your account as you're using bad or damaged parts.

Time the actual start time, specs say it should be 85us or faster.

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Associate II

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