2008-11-25 1:44 AM
How to startup with configuring STM32 GPIOs
2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Dear all,
Kindly tell me how to start-up with the SMT32 GPIO programming. Can anyone provide me the basic registers of gpios. I have the STM evaluation board, the software require multiple header and C files from library. Please provide me the stand alone program related GPIO, RTC, Timers. regards Abdul Basit2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Refer to
and you will find what you need GPIO:FWLib/examples/GPIO/IOToggle RTC: FWLib/examples/RTC Timers: FWLib/examples/TIM Note: each example has a readme file explaining how to use it. [ This message was edited by: jilisegiar on 11-11-2008 08:25 ]2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Hi Abdul,
I agree with jilisegiar's advice. Suspect that you looked at the size/bulk of ''start-up/configure'' software - it is daunting. (much work just to toggle an led) This is true of all ARM - the capability & flexibility is provided at the cost of complexity. Suggest that you start with FWlib examples - later you can attempt to compact/simplify - after you have gained basic mastery...2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Dear jj.sprague,
I agree with u, but there are various files which need to be add in the project file. this makes me confusing. If u have any independent project file plz provide me. Do u have any quick start of programming the stm32 @ RIDE7. I have the user manual, but it consume much time. please help me.2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Hi Abdul,
My firm has settled on IAR - recommend it - you can download free ''Kickstart'' version which supports up to 32KB of program code. If time & ease is important - suggest that you get the IAR-ST ''STM32-SK'' development kit. (should be on this site & @ IAR too) This includes a JTAG-SWO device - which is highly efficient. Many prefer open-source tools - they are more complex than the ARM uC development. They have the advantage of lower cost - and unlimited code size but at the cost of great time investment & multiple ''gotchas.'' I would investigate this path only after you have gained a basic mastery of the STM32 - and I believe my earlier suggestion achieves this. There are examples w/in the suggested toolset which will get you going - working with the kit is the best way to build, speed & ease your understanding...2011-05-17 3:51 AM
To start very quickly using GPIOs with RIDE:
1) Download, uncompress the latest (2.0.3) Firmware Library from ST. 2) Copy every files from the \examples\GPIO\IOToggle directory to \project 3) Open projet\RIDE\project.rprj with RIDE Enjoy! PS: All RIDE users, correct me if I'm wrong!2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Hi there i am writing a piece of assembly for the stm32. I dont actually hve a stm32 this is for a uni assignment. Using the thumb two inst set I have produced a bit of code for the function required. But I can't seem tofind how to use the timer and initialise the i/o ports. Can you help? Thank you Gavin
2011-05-17 3:51 AM
Don't copy ''stm32f10x_conf.h'' copy just the following files:
- platform_config.h - stm32f10x_it.c - stm32f10x_it.h - main.c2011-05-17 3:51 AM
These ARM uCs have vast flexibility - this causes great complications in set-up/configuration. Don't believe that ''set-up/config'' mastery is the point of your assignment. Should you choose to persist look in the Documents/File s