2017-08-14 1:25 AM
Dear Sir:
I am using STM32L476, and I have some issue on GPIO setting.
If I only have BIN files, and I want see my SFR value,
have any tools can do this?, flash my firmware and read SFR value.
At this moment, I am using st-flash read test.bin 0x48000000 0x2000 (-> read GPIO SFR)
And I have modify some GPIO-G's setting, but I see 0x1800 all is 0xFF
Is because I can't read SFR by this way? any other tools can do this?
2017-08-15 8:09 AM
Hi Satrlin
I would suggest that you try it with st utility ( ) This tool might be able to help you see what values you have in your file.You will need an st-link debugger to make this work.Good luck-Andy