2018-03-06 11:23 AM
Hello, I have a project with tft LCD on STM32F429. how ı can put background picture and some icon or pictures for my app. ı need to help. please.
2018-03-07 1:07 AM
As we're on the ST forum and talking about an STM32, you might try this:
There's also Arduino:
Many discovery boards - and other 3rd-party boards - feature LCDs; so you could study how they do that.
Many, many people have published stuff on the interwebs - gave you tried Google ?
2018-03-07 3:13 AM
thank you for answered. ı study with stm32f429i_discovery_lcd library, but ı think this lib. does not thing that ı want.
2018-03-07 4:33 AM
So keep searching for one which does, then!
Did you look at
Or Arduino?
Or Google ?
2018-03-07 4:59 AM
yes ı did. thank you
2018-03-07 7:06 AM
Hello, ı think this stemWin study with hall driver. I want to try to standard pripheral. can ı do this? how?
2018-03-07 7:27 AM
Both HAL and the Standard Peripheral Library just address the very lowest layer - getting the bits across the SPI interface, or whatever.
Dealing with images is a very much higher-level thing.
2018-03-07 7:35 AM
If you want SPL versions of stemWin you might have to ask for specific older versions
I uploaded this one to the mirror back in mid-2014, but I have newer and older versions
2018-03-07 7:43 AM
Thank you, ı will try
2018-03-07 7:56 AM
AIUI the 'HAL' in
is nothing to do with ST's current product called 'HAL' - the libraries at are based on theStandard Peripheral Library (SPL) ?
Also note that emWin itself is a Segger product - not specific to ST:
So, if you want to implement the low-level stuff yourself, perhaps go for the generic Segger version?