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How to program using VIM + GCC on STM32F415?

Associate II

Hi, I'm a complete noob, coming from Arduino (MCU: ATmega328p) Board and I want to have similar programming environment there.

General information:

  • OS: Linux
  • MCU: STM32F415
  • Board: custom one which has USB Mini B port

I would like to use GCC + VIM if possible. Are there any good tutorials about how to setup a development environment?

Tell me if you need more information.

Thank you,



A "development environment" would typically imply an IDE. Stm32CubeIDE would be one.

If you want to use VIM instead (why?), that sort of excludes any sort of IDE. You can certainly create makefiles yourself, but it seems like a lot of work for no benefit.

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Associate II

I like using VIM instead of "yet another IDE", I'm just used to it. I'd like to feel comfortable.

> You can certainly create makefiles yourself, but it seems like a lot of work for no benefit.

Sure, but I'm not working on that professionally, I just want to use the STM32 for my hobby projects.

Associate II

I like using VIM instead of "yet another IDE", I'm just used to it. I'd like to feel comfortable.

> You can certainly create makefiles yourself, but it seems like a lot of work for no benefit.

Sure, but I'm not working on that professionally, I just want to use the STM32 for my hobby projects.