2018-08-02 6:31 AM
STM32l475 USB host USBH_UserProcess() not progressing to HOST_USER_CLASS_ACTIVE
2018-08-02 7:50 AM
Not really my thing, have you tried the examples, do they work?
2018-08-02 7:56 AM
I've not tried that. Where do I download the examples from?
2018-08-02 8:30 AM
Try this:
There should be debug messages from USB host stack when the devices are enumerated, even if there's no any class module that supports them. So you will see whether the USB core works.
-- pa
2018-08-02 8:33 AM
If you're using CubeMX they'll be under your repository directory (see Help -> Updater Settings)
Or pull the file/archive manually
2018-08-02 9:35 AM
I tried the extra debug, but I still only see "USB Device Attached"
2018-08-02 4:11 PM
> but I still only see "USB Device Attached"
This means that enumeration does not start properly. Maybe you do not provide enough voltage to the device.
-- pa
2018-08-02 11:54 PM
If you use USBH_Process() as Host Background task?
2018-08-03 1:11 AM
As I'm using FreeRtos USBH_Init() already creates a thread for USBH-Process()
2018-08-03 1:27 AM
I think the problem is the USB low level driver was not included by STM32CubeMx
These (and others) are missing functions: