2016-10-07 4:56 AM
Hey guys,
I downloaded the current Firmware (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0) for my32F429IDISCOVERY Board
As a start i'd like to import a full demonstration. But when i try to import the SW4STM32 demonstration project the files are not copied to the workspace. Eclipse shows the code structure, but the are no files in my workspace (see pictures;)) The Checkbox copy projects into workspace is checked So do you have any ideas how to get the missing files or is there a better way to start a new project (with HAL drivers, display driver and freeRTOS)? greets Julian2016-10-07 6:40 AM
You can start from working example under STM32CubeF4 firmware package, in the context of understanding the tools and you find the needed include parts for your project.STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Applications\FreeRTOS\FreeRTOS_ThreadCreationYou can modify this working application depending on your needs.To open an existing project with SW4STM32 you should follow this steps below:• File >>Import• Existing Projects into workspace (>>Next)• Click on “Browse� for the root directory• The projects list is refreshed (select then your project) • Ensure the option Copy projects into workspace is unchecked• Then click Finish.You can also use STM32CubeMX tool to initialize peripherals, build and generate your starting projects with initialization C code. This allow you to choose the microcontroller, select the peripherals that you want and map them to pins graphically. For more detail about STM32CubeMX tool, review this user Manual and this section 4.12.6: FreeRTOS middleware configuration View section (page110).Regards