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How to establish UART serial monitor with BLUE pill STM32

Associate II

Hi, all , i tried to connect a blue pill board to my pc via usb but i cant seem to get the connection to stick , i dont want to use stm cube and want to do it with raw code, is there anything in the datasheet that yo ucould highlight for clarity?


You'd want to review the HAL CDC/VCP device implementation examples, and then look over the Reference Manual. Not sure USB IP is discussed in sufficient depth to do a cleanroom implementation, or if you have enough familiarity with the USB protocol, but you could try if you want.

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Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Your task is not clear. Connect by what mean: Serial with RS232 levels, serial with TTL level or serial via uart? Connect to for what purpose: Initial programming, firmware update, data transfer from data generated inside the F103 to the PC or capture serial data from outside?

For a simple start, have a look at the libopencm3 examples, find something similar to your task and modify.

thanks, clive , will give it a look 🙂

the point was to do something similar to serial prints in arduino to display values in the program to see if everything is working ok