2021-01-11 4:05 AM
2021-01-11 4:09 AM
I'm trying to create a file inside a folder in SD card. I have been able to do it with fixed and know string by using f_open(&SDFile, "/abcd/data.txt", FA_OPEN_APPEND | FA_WRITE);.
How ever My folder name is going to be a dynamic string which a user can enter through keyboard screen in touchgfx.
I've been able to make the folder with a dynamic name but then how to make a file inside that folder?
2021-01-11 10:03 PM
Can Anyone Help me with this?
2021-01-11 10:39 PM
I had to do it using strcat . But why f_chdir does not work in the code? It says undefined reference to f_chdir.
When I check that function in ff.c file it is disabled in the project explorer. how to enable it?
2021-01-11 11:22 PM
Try checking ff_conf.h or where the file system configuration items are selected.