2017-09-03 10:09 AM
I have downloaded Keil 5.24a, and Arm cortex-M legacy support, when I want to create a new project, in micro selection step, in Software Packs there is no STM32F407VG micro, but there is STM32F407VGTx micro instead, and I don't know what is the difference and can I use that micro instead, or not? Also, when I choose STM32F407VGTx, I do select CMSIS and Startup options in RTE page, but after creating new project, there is no RTE_Device.h(Startup)file in subset of Device in project tree!
And when I choose STM32F407VG in legacy support group micros, it doesn't show RTE page to select CMSIS at all!
It's 2 days I am searching for answer :(
2017-09-03 12:04 PM
Look at the part# on the board, I'd expect it to be a VGT6 which qualifies a size and package. Any of the 1MB F407 parts would work from a Keil or compiler perspective.
2017-09-03 9:11 PM
So why there is stm32f407vgtx in software packs and stm32f407vg in legacy support pack? you mean both are same?
Another question, when I choose vgtx from software packs, it doesn't make inRTE_Device.h(Startup)
my project tree. why it doesn't build this file? I saw in all the youtube tutorials, they have this file under the Device group in project tree but I don't have it! why?2017-09-03 9:25 PM
I choose stm32f407vgtx and then CMSIS and Startup options as shown below:
But I have no RTE_Device.h(Starytup) file! file!
2017-09-03 9:54 PM
I'm not using RTE, I use Keil uv4 and 5 to build SPL and HAL code directly.
Perhaps you can set up the project with an F4 part that generates the file you want, and then go change the target later. As I recall T6 is a package/temperature.
All the F407 parts share a common die, and are tested/marked to create pricing stratification.
Keil provides support, try contacting them of specifics about the tools.