2020-11-29 6:22 AM
I am having a little difficulty getting a USART 2 signal to output to a logic analyser using transmit Tx serial asynchronous communication. I have configured a USART 2 peripheral to communicate through a DMA. The GPIO pin PA2 is outputting a constant logic one, so I am guessing I have missed something on the STML476VG DISCO microcontroller. I have tried to set the LSE clock to 32.768 kHz to no success. I have the low power sleep mode HAL driver configured in the source code. I have tried to change the parity setting in the IDE to even, but no luck.
2020-11-29 6:30 AM
UART sends signals with a pattern of 0s and 1s. If you're not seeing any change in the level, it's not sending info (or you're not capturing it correctly).
Get it working in blocking mode first (HAL_UART_Transmit) then move up to DMA after that (HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA).
2020-11-29 6:42 AM
Thanks for getting back to me.I'll give the UART peripheral a go without the DMA and see if I can get a signal to transmit.Thanks again.