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How do I write to RAM, beyond the RAM-range specified in the linker script, when caching is enabled?

Senior II

I am working with the STM32F760I-EVAL board. In the linker script I have specified that the RAM is only 500 x 1024 bytes, even though it really is 512 * 1024 bytes. By doing this I can place variables in the last 12 x 1024 bytes of the RAM that survives a software reset. The problem, as soon as I enable caching using SCB_EnableICache() and SCB_EnableDCache() this trick stops working. It doesn't matter how many volatile modifiers I throw into the code that does the writing into RAM, it just won't work anymore. Can someone please help me?


Configure the memory region's cachability in the MPU.

Or use SCB_CleanDCache() to flush to memory.

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Senior II

Thank you, now it works great.