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How do I import a sample project into Eclipse?

Associate III

How do I import a Cube project? I once managed to set up a project where I am able to write firmware for the stm32f746g-disco board using the tutorial Even after the instructions I had to edit a lot more so that I could successfully compile. A lot of dependencies that weren't right.

I am now at the same point and would like to compile and debug the Cube-DSP demo so that I can integrate the DSP functionality into my projects later:

I downloaded the source and tried to import it into Eclipse. Unfortunately unsuccessful so far. How do I make it work? How do I set up a project, and which files do I have to include where? Is there a manual for this? Or are there complete Discovery Board projects somewhere that I can import directly into the workspace in Eclipse?

On Linux I have installed:

Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

Version: Photon Release (4.8.0)


> Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

> Version: Photon Release (4.8.0)

Do you realize you need a cross-toolchain ? This looks like a plain "vanilla" toolchain for the host OS.

I would not go through the hassle and trying to adapt such an Eclipse environment. There are free Eclipse-based toolchains available, directly supported by the Cube generator.

Associate III

The tool chain is working properly (my installed toolchain is: GNU MCU Eclipse ARM Embedded GCC arm-none-eabi-gcc). The video shows how to set it up. Also debugging works fine with openocd. The problem is more how to organize the files in the project. But what free Eclipse-based tool chains would there be for Linux? Maybe I can export it from there (if they are eclipse based).


Atollic and SW4STM32 are coming to my mind. Hope I got the name of the latter one right.

Pretty sure they organize target specifics their own way, so importing foreign project will be troublesome if not directly supported.

In such cases, I used to create a new project, and just imported the C source files.

BTW, I'm using Crossworks under Linux - not really an Eclipse fanboy.