2017-11-03 11:56 AM
How do I configure the Memory Protection Unit in STM32F103RB? I need to protect a region of memory from writing. Can I do it using MPU?
#memory-protection #stm32f103xx #cortex-m3 #cortex-m42017-11-03 12:32 PM
Have you tried reviewing the ARM documentation?
2017-11-03 04:05 PM
There are 5 regions available for cortex m3.
Each region is programmed sequentially into the MPU registers.
First, we declare a new region, then the starting address, then the parameters themselves, then we need to turn on the protection mechanism. It is done once, then you can leave it alone. It is important to remember which region has already been used, because it is impossible to see all regions at once. Only one region is available for reading and modifying - the one you selected at the moment.2017-11-13 05:49 AM
I've been told that STM32F103RB do not have an MPU. I couldn't find it on stm's Reference Manual either. So is there any other way to protect a memory region?