2016-01-07 5:45 AM
2016-01-07 6:11 AM
The STM32F3-DISCO does not provide a VCP via the ST-LINK.
Only newer DISCO boards supporting mbed, and the NUCLEO boards, have the VCP functionality.2016-01-07 6:56 AM
My purpose of using USB USER port is USART communication as Serial communication.My STM32F3-Disco will calculate many floating point.And i want to see the result on my notebook.How can i see the result on my Notebook?2016-01-07 10:26 AM
You'd have to code a USB VCP for the F3 itself. Look at the USB FW library, or Cube to get that done.
Consider the NUCLEO F3 board.2017-04-21 6:33 AM
if you are using STM32CubeMX, you need to enable USB and select 'Communication Device Class' under MiddleWares --> USB_DEVUCE --> Class For FS IP.
Also see
If using CubeMX and using the CDC stack, Windows should show you a Virtual Com Port (not ST-LInk) in your device manager.
Edit: Ups, just saw that this was an old entry. But maybe my answer helps someone else ...