2013-09-05 04:25 PM
I made my own development board with STM32F103VCT6, My question is, How can I use PA11 and PA12 as USB connection ? and how to modify the code from ST, Mass_storage application, so it can be used for my board ? Please have a look from the screen shot :http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/picture_77/st_code_zps0dcb21ec.jpg
I want to use this library : Thank you null2013-09-05 04:48 PM
Does your camera have a macro mode? Might help with the close-up work.
Suggest you review thehttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00039084.pdf
for the STM32F4-Discovery board, or one of the others, which use a USB connected STM32F103 to provide ST-LINK support. This is a pretty minimal USB implementation. I don't know much about your board, the changes you'd need to make to the example code would depend a lot on how different it is to the EVAL series boards instantiated in the Utilities directory.2013-09-05 05:22 PM