2017-10-30 1:18 AM
i want to use LCD 4*20 in IAR with CMSIS , but i didn't found any library for this.
and if i dont want to write a library for lcd , what do i do ?where do i can found this library?or shall i write this library?or if i want to get like this library , where can i found them?thanks.
2017-10-30 1:44 AM
Can you be more specific? 4x20 LCD even on google will show many various parts available.
I was using a 2x20 char by SPI (GPIO+SW) from Ampire, and created a simple init and printf for it, years back.
2017-10-30 6:59 AM
,Please provide more details about your case and the device you are using, so that it will be easier to help/answer you.
Kind Regards
2017-10-30 8:56 AM
i want to use LCD 4*20 in IAR with CMSIS
The LCD neither knows nor cares what processor you have, and what tools you use to program it.
The process will be the same whatever processor and tools you use.
The only thing that's specific to the chip is how to use the IO lines; ie,
You can learn how to do those things with simple LEDs & switches!
2017-10-30 12:01 PM
I think the 16x2 display code from things like Keil would work in IAR with very minimal changes.
Determine WHAT controller the LCD has, then Google that, should dump out hundreds of examples that can be ported with minimal effort, and a basic understanding of the GPIO initialization/control specific to the STM32 family.
2017-10-31 3:05 AM
hi all.
oh, i'm sorry that i forgot to say which lcd i use that. and thanks for your answer.
i use hd44780 lcd 4*20 and stm32f103re with IAR IDE and spl library.
i know gpio , but i dont know if i want to use a
module to connect the stm like lcd, what do i do? write the base code for lcd or no , there is a library for lcd and where do i can found it ??
2017-10-31 4:36 AM
Google or Qwant on
stm32 hd44780 exampleIt seems there are lots of results out there.
2017-10-31 6:02 AM
Have a look to this
it may helps you as talks exactly about this HD44780 LCD: Application note Interfacing an HD44780 2-line LCD display with the STM8.Kind Regards
2017-10-31 7:24 AM
KIC8462852 EPIC204278916 wrote:
It seems there are lots of results out there.
The HD44780 has been available for around 30 years now!