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How can I Test CAN ( MCP2515 ) failure and reason of failure?

vivek yadav
Associate II

I am using CAN(MCP2515 Controller), I need to know the methods used to Test CAN Failure and Build in CAN Test.

Methods I tried. 1: Checking Error Flag like Bus-Off Error Flag bit and Passive Error Bit, but due to Arbitration Failure Transmit Error Counter is increasing and goes to Bus-Off. Arbitration Failure is not a CAN Failure so I don't want to consider that. So I need to know which Error is causing Bus-Off (Differentiate between Errors) but there is no Register on MCP2515 to show last error code.

If I want to Know the Last Error Status so I need to read Error message Frames(Removing Filters) that is not Compatible with my project.

Can you please suggest any idea and method I can Try. Thanks in Advance.

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Is the bus termninated? can you communicate via CAN with other devices? Do you have a scope and/or a logic analyzer? Did you look with a scope on the can lines and with an logic anayzer? Yu need to check many things. And best is to start with a working setup and only exchange things step by step.