2017-06-30 01:46 AM
When I try to build the demonstration project in C:\.....\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.16.0\Projects\STM32469I_EVAL\Demonstrations\EWARM, the build error is appeared on the IAR EWARM v8.11.
The build error message is : Error[Li005]: no definition for '__iar_Sin' [referenced from pdm_filter.o(libPDMFilter_CM4_IAR.a)]
How can I solve this problem?
2017-07-03 07:27 AM
,I tested successfullythe Demo using
IAR version 7.70 andSTM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0.
Try to test with an old
IAR version (7.xx) this may resolve your problem.Regards
2017-07-04 01:20 AM
This also applies to any example project that uses precompiled libraries e.g. like STemWin because IAR changed its wchar_t size from 2 bytes to 4 bytes since IAR EWARM version 8.1x without any option to define the size in the project. Because of this one will get a lot of warnings because of different wchar_t sizes in object files.
2017-09-01 03:19 AM
I am a starter.
I am trying to start using the STM32F469 DISCOVERY board, but the same message has occurred and I am unable to proceed.The compiler version I am using is using the 8.11 evaluation version, so I can not get the previous version, so I can not solve the problem with your answer.Could you tell me how to fix it in version 8.11?2017-10-16 04:12 AM
I had the same issue and this workaround worked for me:
Go to 'Project' > 'Options' > 'Linker' > 'Extra options', check 'Use command line options' and add this to the command line options:
--redirect __iar_Sin=sin�?
This should basically replace __iar_Sin with sin function from standard library. But I don't know what exactly __iar_Sin is and why it was probably removed in new version of the IAR.
Best regards,