2018-12-25 9:50 PM
i got out put data from the gps and now i have to separate the lat long and altitude values from the raw data so please someone can help me with the code
2018-12-25 10:40 PM
Where do you get the raw data? That is, which format is it?
2018-12-25 11:51 PM
If you want to parse standard NMEA strings coming from a GPS module then you can use this library written by our fellow @Tilen MAJERLE - https://github.com/MaJerle/GPS_NMEA_parser
Or use any other NMEA parser library which suits your needs, there are many of them.
2018-12-26 1:06 AM
I am getting the data as per the NMEA format and now my task is to get the only lat long and altitude and UTC time from that for that i need a code please share it.
2018-12-26 1:32 AM
i am getting the data in NMEA format and i am receiving the data from gps and now i have to separate that data and by writing the code , i have to separate the lat long and altitude
2018-12-26 4:47 AM
Isn't this a simple parsing task? I've posted multiple examples here over the years.
2018-12-26 4:52 AM
And I wouldn't consider NMEA as "raw".
2018-12-26 10:35 AM
See also parser in Appendix here
2018-12-26 9:13 PM
i am getting the output as per the NMEA protocol but i have to display only lat long and altitude values , and for this i have to write a code ...i need to search $GPGGA or $GPRMC in that whole string i have to vomit all other data except lat, long, UTC time and altitude.
2018-12-26 9:15 PM