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How can i learn STM32f4

Associate III
Posted on September 14, 2012 at 18:57

Hello every one I was starting work with STM32f4 few days ago and i want to know is there any user manual for explain the all part of this device? or i have to starting with try and error with the example.

Thank you

Posted on September 14, 2012 at 20:51

Of course, ST provides datasheets, user manuals, application notes, etc, etc, for its products:

And there's the ''generic'' Cortex-M4 documentation:

Many Distributors offer training/seminars

etc, etc,...
Posted on September 14, 2012 at 20:58

I am presuming you have an F4 Discovery kit.

ST's web site provides an F4 Discovery user manual, an F4 reference manual and an F4 data sheet. After becoming at least familiar with their contents, look at the code examples provided with the F4 Standard Peripheral Library.

Cheers, Hal

Posted on September 14, 2012 at 21:52

''Many Distributors offer training/seminars''


Just one current example:[cmd]=singleview&tx_bgmevent_pi1[event]=769&ct_ref=u26-e769&cHash=260a166d3f

Posted on September 14, 2012 at 22:11

The ST Reference Manual contains a lot of the part specific stuff.

If you need more about the core, I'd suggest starting with one of Joseph Yiu's books on the Cortex-Mx series. The M0 book is the most recent and expands upon the original M3 work.

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Associate III
Posted on September 14, 2012 at 23:45

Thank you every one i got a lot of information about your links.

I have another question my friends. which compiler do you suggest ?

I working with atollic lite.

Thank you

From: clive1

Posted: Friday, September 14, 2012 10:11 PM

Subject: How can i learn STM32f4

The ST Reference Manual contains a lot of the part specific stuff.

If you need more about the core, I'd suggest starting with one of Joseph Yiu's books on the Cortex-Mx series. The M0 book is the most recent and expands upon the original M3 work.

Posted on September 15, 2012 at 03:43

Colour me unimpressed with Atollic/Eclipse, some people seem to rave about it, but I found it frustrating and inflexible, why wouldn't one just use Eclipse + GNU/GCC?

In order of preference I'd rate Keil/RealView, Rowley, IAR. For JTAG tools and programmers Segger is hard to beat, Keil's U-Link's are also rather strong although tool locked. ST-LINK's are pretty weak, having the least amount of commercial support, but are quite serviceable.

I use GNU/GCC with make, as appropriate.

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Associate III
Posted on September 16, 2012 at 04:31

Thank you Clive1 

If i want to use GNU/GCC i have to switch in linux OS .Isn't?

Could you do me another favor and send me related link for this one .The important thing in compiler for me as all is strong debugger and support all C/C++ syntax. Is GNU/GCC meet this features? 

Thank you        

Posted on September 16, 2012 at 04:54

No, GNU/GCC will run under any system you compile it under. Yagarto and Code Sourcery exist in the Windows domain. Eclipse also.

Debugging is problematic under open tools. You'll need to evaluate which tools best meet your specific needs.
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