2018-07-27 4:46 AM
Hello All,
I want to get an interrupt whenever i connect or disconnect sd card in to sd card slot . How to do this ?
I have stm32f7 discovery board . I searched in hal_sdio.c , but couldnt get any info.
what is the best way to achieve this ? Thank you .
One idea i have is to check card status in the systick handler.
Thanks in advance
2018-07-27 8:42 AM
>>stm32f7 discovery board
Which one, be specific
Usually two methods depending on design, either as a GPIO directly attached to the micro, and generating an EXTI interrupt, or via the MFX (IO Expander), which can be configured at a pin level to cause interrupts, via a GPIO/EXTI source for a pin connected to the MFX.
Perhaps look at the examples in the Applications\Display or Example\JPEG directories for examples using the SD Card and implementing the card checking. Or within the SD BSP code for the board.
2018-08-03 10:36 PM
Hi Clive ,
Thanks for the reply, actually i am using this board
Usually two methods depending on design, either as a GPIO directly attached to the micro, and generating an EXTI interrupt
but the sd connector on this board is not connected to any gpio, and how the voltage level changes during insertion and removal of the card to trigger the exti interrupt .