2019-08-19 10:10 PM
I have STM32F4 discovery kit, Keil trail version with 32KByte code size limit, I am interested in knowing how can i install Linux OS in stm32 discoveryF4 board? and I would like to know the following:
2019-08-19 10:14 PM
uCLinux perhaps.
Look at the MP1 series
2019-08-19 10:20 PM
uCLinux only.
A proper Linux requires a MMU, which no Cortex M has.
You won't get happy with a 32k-limited test version of a toolchain in this case, though.
2019-08-19 11:25 PM
The OS would do what in this context?
If the 32KB of Keil is limiting, perhaps you could just use a GNU/GCC based toolset.
2019-08-20 9:23 PM
hi clive, will stm32 cube ide work in my case ?
2019-09-25 11:16 PM
I'm thinking on testing Linux on STM32 as well.
The size-limit license will not help, but KEIL/IWARM won't as well, as the kernel is a GCC/Makefile project... the tools are free!
Is uCLinux maintained? I think it's stuck on Linux 2.6 - isn't it?
Mainstream kernel.org has a stm32_defconfig and stm32429i-eval.dts, umong other DTSs.