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How can I build a stm32f4 CMSIS based project using keil5?

Associate II
Posted on September 17, 2016 at 16:17


Sorry if my question is repetitive and boring but I'm here after 4 hours searching!!

I have an STM32f4-discovery board and liked to programming it with CMSIS library! but there are many tutorials on web in text and video that they are ambiguous at-least for me!

there are many steps and the do copying some files to some folders and I don't know the files come from where and why should copying them in those files and ...

Is there any straightforward tutorial to help?

Thanks a lot

Senior II
Posted on September 19, 2016 at 14:51

Hi rezaee.reza,

I recommend that you start by downloading the

from this link. You check the provided example for STM32F4-discovery board at this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery

To build your own application you start with the template project which is ready to use.

Further help can be taken from the User manual ''Getting started with STM32cubeF4 firmware package'' UM17300, in part ''4.Getting start'' which explain how to run example at built application.


Posted on September 19, 2016 at 16:44

>>Is there any straightforward tutorial to help?

The best advice I can give is to read the documentation for the tools, and understand how things work at the ''assemblers, compilers, linkers, loaders'' type level from a software engineering or computer science text. Review the example/template projects in the context of understanding the tools.

The project needs you to provide ALL the source it needs to build it. Some people drop in the entire library source, and let the linker do the dead-code elimination. If you know you only need the RCC, GPIO and USART code, then just drop that in, and if the linker or compiler complain it needs other things ADD them.

Review the project specific stm32f4xx_conf.h file as this may control what include files are pulled in, normally you'd include stm32f4xx.h and define USE_STD_PERIPH

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