2016-09-16 11:10 AM
hi everyone
I am interfacing OV2640 camera module on stm32f429 and capturing image with format of RGB565 in resolution of 320*240 pixel. I need to higher resolution up to 1200*1600 pixel but i don't find any source code for configuration of this resolution on the ov2640 camera. who can help me?2016-09-16 11:47 AM
Not everything magically appears in source code format ready to cut-n-paste, sometimes you just have to get the data sheet/manual out and read it thoroughly and experiment.
Doesn't it default to 1600x1200?http://www.uctronics.com/download/cam_module/OV2640DS.pdf
You might want to look at application cases beyond the STM32, I'd expect support for the device under Linux, RPi, or tablet/phone related code. Dig around, find a forum focused on these camera modules.2016-09-17 3:48 AM
hi clive1
i was reading datasheet and programming manual every days ago. but in the datasheet and manual , most of registers never described about them. thanks.