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hi friends, can anyone help me to understand, how address and data values within hex records, accommodated in flash memory.? I just want to update my firmware via serial ! do i need to copy raw hex records @ each flash memory location sequentially?

Associate II

as this is my hex record...


it has 0010 address value and all 16 data value(D1 EC 00 08 DB EC 00 08 E5 EC 00 08 00 00 00 00) as zero. Where do this data will be placed in flash memory?


An earlier record will determine the section of memory (64KB) which this record refers too.

At the beginning of the file, likely 0x08000010

This type of HEX has about 4 decades of documentation behind it. It is not a complex format.​

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Lead III

Even Wikipedia has a good documentation of the Hex file format.

Or better, switch to the S19 format, which directly supports 24 bit and 32 bit addresses.

Thanks clive, actually i am not getting my answer. can you elaborate. i am shearing first two line of my hex file, can you tell me where it shall be stored? and which values ?



Associate II

Thank you all,

I got my answer from following link...


BASIS : 0x0800 << 16 --> 0x08000000

:1000000000000320AD03010841E600084FE60008A8 -> 0x0800000 + 0x0000 = 0x08000000

:10001000D1EC0008DBEC0008E5EC00080000000073-> 0x0800000 + 0x0010 = 0x08000010

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