2021-05-10 2:48 AM
2021-05-10 2:50 AM
I apologize for the formatting of the post
2021-05-10 6:08 AM
In general, F4/F7/H7 devices are not pin-to-pin compatible, but they may be close enough for your use. See:
2021-05-10 6:23 AM
Overly broad in scope. Smaller parts less so, newer vs older have different peripheral mixes and AF routing options.
The 144 pin devices are often quite good. Expect to have to make a couple of optional connections to accommodate specific parts. Read the Data Sheets.
CubeMX/IDE has a part fitter that shows all parts with compatible foot prints.
2021-05-12 3:03 AM
On the ST website I found the following wording about the H7 model:
"The STM32H7 single-core and value lines are pin-to-pin compatible with the STM32F7 series of very high-performance MCUs and STM32F4 series of high-performance MCUs for the most common packages (*).
(*) see datasheet for the specific case of 100-pin packages "
I just don't understand which package is really pin-to-pin compatible with F4, F7, H7.
2021-05-12 4:46 AM
As Clive said above, there's no *absolute* pin compatibility between these families, although the pin compatibility in the 144-pin and above is fairly good. Not only in 'F7 and H7 there are peripherals which are not present in 'F4, but also these peripherals may have a slightly different assignment to individual pins. So, it's ultimately your reponsibility to individually check the selected models, whether the compatibility is good enough for your purposes.
For example, pin PG6 in 'F427/429 has among others also the functionality of FMC_INT2. However, FMC in 'F7 and 'H7 has only one interrupt input, and PG6 there has the functionality of FMC_NE3. So, if you used PG6 as FMC_INT2 in 'F4, you can't use it as such in 'F7/'H7 (although workarounds may exist). But the interrupt feature of FMC is so rarely used, that this most probably won't pose a problem; however, it depends on your particular requirements, if this is important or not.
2021-05-12 4:53 AM
I've personally found the 144-pin devices to have the broadest compatibility
You can use CubeMX to compare pin compatibility and use the ST-MCU-FINDER tool (integrated also in STM32CubeMX) to compare the characteristics of two or more MCUs through the "Cross Selector" tab.
The 100-pin I seem to recall ST moving a bunch of the bottom side pins. But at the end of the day you're going to have to read the Data Sheets and so some of your own due-diligence.