2020-07-15 1:15 PM
Any IDE recommendations? Customer is using IAR planing to use unity for unit test.
2020-08-04 3:07 AM
Hi Nata and welcome to the community :)
Give me an example of things you would like to test: functionality? timing response? debug and trace? etc
For the IDE recommendations, it depends on the personal taste I believe and the use.
For the STM32 products our clients are IAR and KEIL:
IAR has a better editor and compiler, but Keil has a much better simulator and debugger. I think if you are to go with ARM, Keil is a better solution, much more suited for ARM MCUs. Keil also offers advanced debugging tools. I find it with keil the code is well optimized, and the start up code is more complete and polished.
This doesn't mean that IAR is not suited for debugging and testing, but again it's up to the user's experience!
I hope this help.
2020-08-04 4:33 AM
2020-08-04 8:41 AM
Thank you!