2017-05-29 2:05 PM
I am totally new to STM32. I need to design a USB bootloader for a product. I have download STM32CUBEMX, but still not being able to fully grasp the STM32 working.
I would like to get help on following points.
1. Getting started guideline: Where are the documentation of APIs used in the CubeMux?
2. There is a DFU application note, but I could not find the Firmware that actually runs on the STM32 micro to perform bootloader update.
I will be very grateful for an urgent answer
2017-05-30 1:13 AM
,Welcome to STM32 community
if I suppose that you use the STM32F429 product so:
1. Getting started guideline: Where are the documentation of APIs used in the CubeMux?
A set of user manuals is provided under this link :
toget started with the STM32CubeF4 firmware package2. There is a DFU application note, but I could not find the Firmware that actually runs on the STM32 micro to perform bootloader update.
STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\DFU_Standalone :This is a typical application on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Device peripheral to implement the DFU capability for programming the embedded flash memory of the STM32F4xx devices.
2017-05-30 2:22 PM
Waoo, that is great.
I am facing one more problem now. I have been able to run DFU program on the STM32F7 Discovery board. But I need to write DFU bootloader for the STM32F446RE controller. For this, I tried to run STM32F746G_Discovery kit's DFU_Standalone program, but it does not show up in DFU Mode like STM32F7 discovery kits show up. Also, I have the Discovery STM32F407 kit, but I face the same issue on it.
That means I am missing something here as well. Can you please help me in this regard. Do I need to change existing firmware? If yes, how and what part?
2017-05-30 3:06 PM
Most of the USB centric STM32 support a DFU mode out of the System ROM (BOOT0 = High, Reset)
Discovery STM32F407 kit should have this DFU mode, but requires connectivity to the micro USB connector rather than the ST-LINK mini one.
2017-05-31 12:56 PM
I found the fix. My previous attempt to run the DUF mode application was configured to be build using USB_HS option. I selected USB_FS option and it started working fine.