2010-01-08 3:07 AM
Getting started with STM32F103RET6 programming
2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Hi everyone.
I'm new in the STM32 world, though I've made alot of projects with both PIC's and AVR's. So I've bought the STM32F103RET6 stamp from Futurlec.com, but I really don't know where to start! I know the programming language is C, but I don't know which IDE to use! I've heard about Ride7? Then I've also heard about IAR EWARM? But I don't know how to use any of them... I can't set up a project, as I don't know what to include and what to write I really hope you can get me started! Best Regards Thomas Jespersen2011-05-17 4:36 AM
2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Ohh yeah, I see - thanks.
Then I will have to learn the Ride7 environment :) But also about the code? Are the code the same between the different IDE's? Do you have a coding tutorial, to learn the basics as setting ouput pins, Reading pins, analog in, PWM, DAC and such?2011-05-17 4:36 AM
You would be advised to buy a board that comes with an IDE. Most IDEs come with a demo board. That way, you get tutorials, examples, debuggers and known hardware.
Chris.2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Yeah, but I haven't done :(
I've bought this cheap STM32 stamp from Futurlec.com -2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Possibly this adage applies, ''He who does not study history is condemned to repeat/commit mistakes.''
You've made several purchases - prior to knowledge of/interaction with experienced forum participants - and now must decide to ''salvage such purchases'' or ''proceed in faster, easier, enhanced manner'' - as outlined by generous posters. You will find a ''wealth'' of info/guidance IF you ''stick with mainstream'' as advised by posters. (much less if you ''stray'' from herd...)2011-05-17 4:36 AM
Ahh yeah, no mercy :(
Just thought there would be an online tutorial introducing the STM32 language! OBS. I have read Hitex's PDF about the STM32 family, but that didn't include any help with coding...2011-05-17 4:36 AM
tutorial introducing the STM32 language!
But you said you're writing in 'C' - so there is no specific STM32 ''language''! You have two separate issues here: 1. Learning about the STM32.For this, you need to refer to the STM32 documentation from ST. This is independent of whatever software development tools & environment you may choose. All the available documentaiton is listed here:http://www.st.com/mcu/familiesdocs-110.html
2. Learning a specific IDE.For this, you need to refer to the documentation from the IDE vendor. This is (largely) independent of whatever target device you may choose - IAR's workbench, and Raisonance's RIDE are common to many different targets. As already noted, the ST FW Library provides examples for both the IDEs (and others).Quote:
I have read Hitex's PDF about the STM32 family, but that didn't include any help with coding
That's because it's about the STM32 - no about coding! Again, if you want specific, ready-to-use, out-of-the-box examples, then you need to get a kit that comes as a complete bundle of hardware, software tools, debug tools, etc. There is no such thing as a free lunch: if you want to save money by just buying a cheap, ''bare'' board, then you are going to have to be prepared to spend (a lot of) your time in bringing together all the tools and information to make use of it! That's always the trade-off! [ This message was edited by: st7 on 05-01-2010 11:44 ] [ This message was edited by: st7 on 08-01-2010 11:17 ]2011-05-17 4:36 AM
I see and understand that you recommend me buying a kit, but this isn't helping me much!
As I've decided not to do, and now I've got this board and I'm asking for help... But you don't help me, you just tell me to buy a kit! :-Y