2017-09-11 12:12 AM
I want to generate timer3 interrupt every 2 seconds. Below is my timer3 init code. I am using CUBE MX
static void MX_TIM3_Init(void)
{TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig;
TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig;htim3.Instance = TIM3;
htim3.Init.Prescaler = 47999; htim3.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; htim3.Init.Period = 1999; htim3.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1; htim3.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_ENABLE; if (HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&htim3) != HAL_OK) { _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); }sClockSourceConfig.ClockSource = TIM_CLOCKSOURCE_INTERNAL;
if (HAL_TIM_ConfigClockSource(&htim3, &sClockSourceConfig) != HAL_OK) { _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); }sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE; if (HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&htim3, &sMasterConfig) != HAL_OK) { _Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__); }}
Below is timer 3 interrupt handler
void TIM3_IRQHandler(void){ HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(&htim3);}void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim3)
{ if(htim3->Instance == TIM3) { HAL_TIM_Base_Stop_IT(htim3); TIMER_Started = false; } }I want to make sure if i am going in the right direction or not. Actually i am counting the external interrupts on falling edge on pin PB10 of STM32F0 discovery. I count it for 2 seconds and then calculate the value of rpm. Yes, my main aim is to measure rpm. As i am not getting correct value for rpm i doubt my timer code. The same method i have implemented on 8051 controller and it works.
#timer-interrupt #external-interrupt2017-09-11 1:05 AM
>>>'As i am not getting correct value for rpm i doubt my timer code.'
Two factors involved, proper count of rounds and known period of time base.
Assuming that your HCLK is 48MHZ and APB prescaler divides by 1 then your timer settings give 2 second period.
Consider to stop also EXTI interrupts from inside the timers callback funtion.
and consider also that input-Capture functionality of timers is a good solution to measure rpms without software involved except the initialisation code.
2017-09-11 2:25 AM
: Thanks for the reply. I have cross checked my rpm circuit and there was one connection problem. Now i am getting proper readings and as per your comments i am getting proper 2 sec period. Thanks