2010-10-26 11:09 AM
General GPIO/EXTI interrupt question
2011-05-17 5:12 AM
It's a compromise by ST. If you want that each pin of each port can generate its own interrupt, with 7 ports on 144 pins device, you obtain a total of 112 interrupts vectors. I don't know any application with 112 external interrupts. If you need a lot of external interrupts, remenber that you can use each input capture from each Timer as an interrupt on rising or falling edge. Best regards Eric2011-05-17 5:12 AM
Ahh, good tip about the timers, thanks!
> If you need a lot of external interrupts, remenber that you
> can use each input capture from each Timer as an interrupt > on rising or falling edge. > > Best regards > > Eric