2010-11-26 4:11 AM
FreeRTOS Port for STM32L + IAR
2011-05-17 5:16 AM
- Download FreeRTOSV6.1.0 - There is an example under FreeRTOSV6.0.4\FreeRTOS\Demo\CORTEX_STM32F103_IAR2011-05-17 5:16 AM
Thanks for replying. I have seen the demo you are talking about. But it is for STM32F and that demo board. I am looking for STM32L :)2011-05-17 5:16 AM
1- Fill the FreeRTOSSource folder with the FreeRTOS specific files you will need.There should be also a copy of Port.c, Portmacro.c and the heap_n.c files. Port.c and Portmacro.c can be found at \ \FreeRTOSV6.1.0\Source\portable\IAR\ARM_CM3. The MemMang folder which can also be found at \FreeRTOSV6.1.0\Source\portable\MemMang holds heap_1.c, heap_2.c and heap_3.c.2- Replace SVCHandler, PendSVHandler and the SysTickHandler in the startup file with the FreeRTOS specific handlers:
-> vPortSVCHandler
-> xPortPendSVHandler
SysTickHandler -> xPortSysTickHandler3- check the CPU Clock in FreeRTOSConfig.h
for more information
look at readme.txt files
2011-05-17 5:16 AM
Thanks AMSN
2011-05-17 5:16 AM
Hi ann:
I´ve done a doc to explain to develop FreeRTOS in STM32f107vc microcontroller. This doc is in spanish but it´s so many pictures to understand it. http://www.ucontrol.com.ar/forosmf/arm/freertos-o-mi-primer-so-en-un-micro/