2009-09-19 2:25 AM
FreeRTOS + LWIP port with STM32
2011-05-17 4:16 AM
Hi all
Has anyone done with the porting of freeRTOS along with LWIP on STM32F107R. thanks in advance2011-05-17 4:16 AM
Sounds like a nice port to do. Looking forward to see something released as port for the LWIP stack. I already started with a port of primer 2 on FreeRtos ( available in the unsupported demo directory of FreeRtos release pitty still without Ethernet ) Maybe When I have my 107 up and running I will look into this. But don't expect it will be ready soon ;) Regards Guy2011-05-17 4:16 AM
Hi to all,
give a look athttp://developers.stf12.net/just-another-eclipse-demo-str91x
Despite the URL it runs also on STM32. Regards, Arturo2011-05-17 4:16 AM
Hi nilo,
Even i am looking for the same, did you get any info on it?2011-05-17 4:16 AM
Hi Arturo,
We have done with the porting ofhttp://www.coocox.org/CoOS.htm
along with LWIP on another microprocessor with the ARM Cortex M3 architecture. You can try to refer to thehttp://www.coocox.org/EXAMPLE/NXP_LPC1766_ARMCC.htm
, there may be some help to you. We will soon port the along with LWIP on the STM32, Please look forward to it. , Free and Open Embedded RTOS specially for ARM Cortex-M32011-05-17 4:16 AM
give a look athttp://developers.stf12.net/just-another-eclipse-demo-str91x
I gave it look but I didn't run the project actually. I was just searching in your project where you defined the GPIOs needed to connect the ethernet PHI media. I couldn't find them. They are not in the prvSetupHardware nor in the vStartEthernetTasks. Strange I think. I saw the file in the driver section (common) but of course that's not the place to bind the GPIOs. So How did you program the GPIOs for eth ? -G2011-05-17 4:16 AM
@ guyvo,
I'm not the owner of that firmware. B.T.W. the function you are looking for - prvSetupEthGPIO - is defined in de file: /Demo/Common/ethernet/lwIP/v1_3_1/src/netif/stm32x_ethe