2009-06-29 1:29 AM
Compile time is slower with v3.1.0 of STM32 firmware library.
2011-05-17 4:16 AM
I've just spent the end of last week upgrading from the 1.00 peripheral FW library to the 2.X library and then onto the 3.1.0 library.
Now when I do a ''Build-All'', the compile time for my application is significantly slower. (Keil uVision 3.85) Has anyone else noticed this? Any tips on how I can speed up again? (Other than using ''Build'' rather than ''Build-All''). Thanks, SteveO.2011-05-17 4:16 AM
I've discovered that if I uncheck the option to Output ''Browse Information'' then my code can now be compiled quickly again.
Of course, I now can't use the Source Browser to jump to function definitions. Oh well - you win some, you lose some.